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One Newbie's Guide to a Conventional Start

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Aurora 4x is a complicated game that takes place in a universe where the discovery of Trans-Newtonian elements has repealed many of the laws of Physics.
Two of those laws have kept us almost planet-bound for far too long!:

  • The FTL Speed Limit. Now faster than light travel may be possible through the wonders of Jump gates.
  • Inertia - That old killer that kept humanity from accelerating or decelerating too quickly lest we end up as jam on the bulkheads may also be overcome as well.

NOTE: This is a work in progress (As am I) Please feel free to read and use what's here and forgive what's not. Any comments, questions and suggestions would best be posted here

Game set-up

Game Details

First we must establish a new game (or wait seven days - if you believe in spontaneous generation) When one first starts the game, one is presented with the Game Details Screen.
Game Details.png
For now we can ignore all the settings on this screen and just hit the New button.

Create New Game

(See Big Bang) I suggest we make a few changes here.
Create New Game CI.png

Game Name

I've named our game Sagan 6. Carl Sagan was an American astronomer[1] who (among other things assembled the first physical messages that were sent into space: the Pioneer plaque and the Voyager Golden Record, universal messages that could potentially be understood by any extraterrestrial intelligence that might find them.
6 is just an indicator that I've created 5 other universes in order to learn enough to even begin this strategy guide.

Starting Year

I elected to start my game at year 2018 because I'm following a let's play series on You-tube that uses that as a starting year. This will make it possible for me to easily judge my early progress against his.

  • Starting year can be pretty much whatever you want (except zero)

Conventional Start

The conventional start is deemed "hard mode" by some Aurora devotees, but as a newcomer, it somehow felt more organic starting from what I know and working out from there. That said, there are some changes that can be made to acknowledge/compensate for the fact that we're basically starting out behind.

  • I've set Sol jump points to 5 - Many folks suggest six to avoid isolation, but then being a bit behind I'm hoping that this may work in our favor a bit, provided it's not excessive
  • Number of Starting Research Facilities - The default is 5 but we've got some catching up to do. 15 seems reasonable.
  • Starting tech points - I'm gonna start at zero here but I might later wish I'd have bumped this up (Or I can rationalize using Spacemaster later to hurry research into designs when that task gets too onerous.
  • Generate Sol System and create starting empire on Earth. - Sounds good. I'm lost enough as it is.
  • Non-NPR Computer opponents - This just in from The Department of Redundancy Department... They are non-player too just more potentially dangerous. I disabled the Swarm. I was feeling challenged enough.
  • Non Player Races - I opted for 1 race with TN tech. I wanted a challenge. Unlike the image above I set NPR's to activate non-NPR's
  • Real Star Systems - I liked the idea of using existing real-world Astronomy in-game (plus the Astronomy geek in me wanted to see how well they did it!

Empire Philosophy

Our empire is going to look to eXpand,eXplore,eXploit and eXterminate - though we'll certainly rationalize that last one.
In keeping with that we're going to look to maximize the use of our people and our resources whenever and wherever possible.

  • Try to generate as many research points in all schools of research as possible - Eventually we want it all.
  • Try to keep our people employed and learning
  • Try to maximize our production wherever possible by careful planning


Einstein was once reported to have said "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe"[2]

Day 1

January 2025 Assumed control of the empire

Military Academy

Began doubling the size of the military academy

  • We are gonna need a lot of people to run our empire. The more we train early on the better we'll be able to deal with the future
  • We have idle industrial capacity - might as well see that it's doing something to improve our overall position

Initial Research

  • Began Researching Trans-Newtonian Elements - Can't do much until we figure this puppy out.
  • Appointed our brightest researcher to Trans-Newtonian Elements keeping in mind that researchers working within their specialty give four times the normal bonus. I was lucky and got a PP guy on day 1.
  • Assigned one lab to our only other scientist so he could start improving in his specialty and the remaining 13 to our PP Guy

This is keeping with our Early Research philosophy Everybody gets 1 lab so as to grow our talent pool ASAP. The best get the most proportionally. And any really pressing lines of research may get more than their share on a temporary basis.
Training may feel expensive now but will yield dividends when we have a lot of labs available

Naval Expansion

Ordered the expansion of our Naval Yard by 1000 Tons - we will most likely need more but might as well start with this. Our first ships will most likely be small but I don't want the navy-yard tied up with an expansion projects when we're ready to retool for our first craft.

Staff Appointments

Appointed an Earth Governor

  • Chose the guy with the best combination of mining, manufacturing and population bonuses as these can already make an impact
  • Also appointed governors for Luna, Mercury, Mars, and Ganymede in order to start getting the newly appointed Civilian Admins familiar with their Jobs.
    • Just keep everyone busy at low cost
    • Though it didn't matter I looked for Terraforming and Mining bonuses for the plum assignments but changes will be made based on what we find

Appointed a Fleet Commander

  • Took the guy with the best mining and manufacturing bonus for day 1
  • Noted a good survey guy for later and made sure he had a good training assignment

Even created other teams so folks could get used to their jobs and gain some skills. Better than just losing them.

Other Appointments

  • I went to the Teams Page for Earth and looked at who I had available for the creation of teams
Survey skills

I felt that there would be a need for lots of skilled geo-survey folk in the near future but there's nothing for them to survey day 1. I created a list of all my folks with survey skills and gave them assignments that would keep them safe from the first great cull. The command of Missile Installations worked great for that.

Diplomacy Skills

Even there were no Aliens on Luna I had appointed a governor there.
I then went to my Luna colony tab and assembled a diplomacy team there. These folks won't accomplish anything but will hone their skills for the future.

Mining and Colonization Philosophy

Earth looks to be an abundant planet so our race to strip-mine space will be slower than what's been shown in a number of let's plays. There's simply little short term reason to move a mine producing big results on Earth to an asteroid which produces fewer minerals. There IS a long term reason in that we face eventually running out of the abundance and such things do need to be monitored but being ready to "strip mine space" is more important than actually doing it early on.

Mineral Quantity Availability Yearly OPM
Duranium 278208 1 278208 10
Neutronium 79004 0.5 39502 5
Corbomite 51346 0.7 35942.2 7
Tritanium 60884 0.4 24353.6 4
Boronide 54967 0.8 43973.6 8
Mercassium 71467 0.8 57173.6 8
Vendarite 161383 0.4 64553.2 4
Sorium 245958 1 245958 10
Uridium 63309 1 63309 10
Corundium 189366 0.8 151492.8 8
Gallicite 59384 0.4 23753.6 4
Total 1315276 Average 7.09